Secure your Website now. 

Not sure that you should secure your website? Your website is available to anyone in the world with an internet connection. Just think about that for a moment.

Anyone in the world can see your website

It’s all there, for everyone to see, your staff members, contact details, everything! Unfortunately, not everyone in the world has feelings of goodwill to your website. To many people – hackers – it’s an opportunity.

We can advise and supply you in maximizing the security of your website. The following is a snapshot of some of the things we’ll help with.

Login credentials

We’ll help ensure your Username and password are less open to a “brute-force” attack from hackers.

Two-factor authentication

It’s a highly effective method of reducing the risk of unauthorized users accessing your website. Take a look at this article for more information.

Review/Change Hosting

We can review and recommend the best hosts for your website, based upon your platform, traffic and SEO requirements.

Stay updated

With regular health checks of your website, we’ll ensure that your platform, plugins and any other software updates are applied to ensure know security issues are closed off.

Apply Sucuri

Many of our website customers have opted to add additional protection & support to their website with Sucuri. Sucuri is a globally recognized website security company known for their ability to clean and protect websites, bringing peace of mind to website owners.

There are plenty of additional technical measures we would take to secure your website, but these are a good taster. Keep in mind that it’s not just your website of course. If you have back-office systems (eg customer databases) connected to your website then these are vulnerable too.

If you would like to find out more please contact us and our experts & specialists will be pleased to help / advise. Our monthly website health checks  are competitively priced – for the peace-of-mind they bring to our clients we honestly think they are a “no-brainer”. We hope you agree and look forward to hearing from you!