Think about this; your website is available to anyone in the world with an internet connection.

Factors to consider include basic security certificates, information provided on the website, administrative access and the level of integration your website has with your internal systems.

What did we solve?

A company in the holiday-service sector had a website with integrations to their office CRM/booking system. The website and booking system were designed and built by different companies. When the website company was asked to integrate the CRM/booking system, an audit of the system highlighted 24 critical security issues with it. Ultimately, their booking system and all client information – including financial – was vulnerable.

How did we solve it?

The assessment highlighted a multitude of areas to address. The work was conducted in 2 phases –

Phase 1; Plug the security holes.

Phase 2; Migrate the CRM/booking system to a modern, dedicated and secure server

Our website security services offer huge benefits to your business, not the least of which preventing a GDPR breach, potential loss of confidential client data and the reputation damage that would result from the same.

Here at Fresh Mango, we can advise and assist you in proving the maximum security for your website.

Login credentials – we can help ensure your username and password are less open to a “brute-force” attack from hackers.

Two-factor authentication – this is a highly effective protection method of reducing the risk of unauthorised users accessing your website.

Review/Change Hosting – we can review and recommend the best hosts for your website, based upon your platform, traffic and SEO requirements.

Always Up To Date – with regular health checks of your website, we’ll ensure that your platform, plugins and any other software updates are applied to ensure no security issues are plugged.

There are additional technical measures we would take to secure your website, but these are a good taster. Keep in mind that it’s not just your website of course. If you have back-office systems such as customer databases connected to your website, then these are vulnerable too and will need protection.

If you would like to find out more please contact us and we’ll be pleased to help / advise. Monthly website health checks from Fresh Mango are competitively priced – for the peace-of-mind they bring to our clients we honestly think they are a “no-brainer”. We hope you agree and look forward to hearing from you!

Protect Your Business

Contact our experts to discuss our competitively priced, monthly website health checks on 01765 606 700 today or click here for alternative contact methods.

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