80% of successful cyber incursions are a result of a lack of cyber training and poor cyber hygiene from staff.

Mainly because they have not been trained appropriately.

Staff can inadvertently let hackers into your systems, or provide enough online clues and breadcrumbs to provide hackers with enough information.

We provide complete training for your team, so they can be confident and ensure your systems are clean moving forward. Furthermore, should you ever fall victim to a cyber threat, your team can handle this effectively and efficiently with the training provided by our experts.

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Cyber training – What did we solve?

A call centre in Birmingham has over 500 employees, which on a day to day basis are using computers. The staff needed to be trained quickly and efficiently with minimal impact on their working day.

How did we solve it?

The company used eLearning to effectively train their staff, they were then able to keep a record of the employee scores and certificates for proof of adequate training.

The company are now use the eLearning courses as part of their HR new starter enrolment pack, this ensures that employees are trained from the start of their employment.

To reduce one of the single biggest causes of cyber incursions with cost-effective training, we can provide:

Onsite-based training for your staff

Onsite technical training for IT staff

Online training for your staff

All of these come with several layers of sophistication from basic through to advanced, whatever is most suitable for your business.

Speak to us today to discuss training your team on cyber security.